Taking a Break From Writing

Posted by dwallace on January 23, 2017 in blogger, Why I write |

Recently I have had a couple of people ask me, “Hey Doug, did something happen to make you give up writing? I haven’t seen anything out of you in a long time.” “Life’s happening,” is what I usually say. There has been so much going on in my life that I have put writing aside […]



Search Engine Optimization for WordPress Bloggers

Posted by dwallace on March 4, 2010 in blogger, Douglas Thomas Wallace, SEO, WordPress |

When I began blogging a few months ago, I had no idea what Search Engine Optimization was. I was happy just to be able to sign up for a blog with blogger.com, write an article and then publish something instantly. Once I figured out how to embed video into the site, I was ecstatic. My […]

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Bloggers could be fined $11000 by the FTC. Is paid speech still free?

Posted by dwallace on November 12, 2009 in blogger, Douglas Thomas Wallace, douglasthomaswallace.com |

Bloggers could be fined $11000 by the FTC. This excerpt is from an article published by Slate.com, “The FTC put bloggers on notice that they could incur an $11,000 fine if they receive free goods, free services, or money and write about the goods or services without conspicuously disclosing their “material connection” to the provider. […]


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