Vice-President Biden Drops the F-Bomb

Posted by dwallace on March 24, 2010 in Biden, fuck, Obama |

No, I’m not talking about Fuddrucker’s or Fiddley-sticks. I’m talking about the other F-bomb. The other night, right before Obama’s speech on how he just passed a historic health care reform bill, Joe Biden introduced Obama. Bidden then whispered in Obama’s ear, “This is a fucking big deal.” Obama looked like he just smelled Joe’s […]

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Obama Signs Health Care Bill

Posted by dwallace on March 23, 2010 in Obama, Uncategorized |

President Obama signed into law a national health care reform bill today. This is supposed to help approximately 34 million Americans who don’t have health care. Here are two people who may need it. Theresa Sokaitis, of Middletown Connecticut, age 87, is suing her sister Rose Bakaysa, of Plainville, Conn., age 84, for not sharing […]


Obama Visits St. Charles, Missouri

Posted by dwallace on March 11, 2010 in Obama, St. Charles MO, St. Louis |

When you see President Obama speak on television, you probably never think of all the logistics it takes to get him to that location, do you? I know because I never did until yesterday. I work in St. Charles, Missouri; for an agency that will go unnamed. I get off work at 3:00 pm and […]

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