Cracked Back

Posted by dwallace on January 16, 2010 in doctor, exercise, throwing out my back |

Well I’ve done it again. No, I’m not talking about another last minute post for a blog that no one reads, I threw out my back again.

Was I lifting weights, you ask?

Nope. No weights.

Practicing Ju-jitsu?

No MMA for me.

So what then?

Drying off my feet.


I got out of the shower and was drying off my feet. And yes, I was stuck there, naked, then I had to duck-walk from the bathroom to my bed where I spent the next three days on and off. I went to the chiropractor three times and even he wasn’t able to crack it back yet.

That’s when you know you’re getting old. When you throw your back out doing nothing physical at all. The last time I threw it out I was getting off the toilet. TMI? That’s ok, no one’s reading this anyway.


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