Goal Setting–Enjoy the Process

Posted by dwallace on November 3, 2009 in goals, Uncategorized |

Enjoy the Process

There’s no reason to rush a process. Rushing just gets you more busy-ness not business. You can try to stay on track but occasionally you’ll be all over the place. You have to get focused.

There’s a poster hanging on the wall right outside my office that says, “Winners have to have two things, a clearly defined goal and an overwhelming desire to achieve it.”

The only way to achieve a goal is by getting focused. One way of getting focused is by doing something everyday that gets you closer to your goal. Whether it’s reading a book on a topic relating to your business idea, talking to someone in the industry, or doing research on-line, take some step toward your goal everyday.

A way to keep yourself on track is by making a list. At the beginning of the week sit down and make a list of what goals you what to get accomplished for that week. What problem do I want to solve? Who do I need to talk to? Where can I find this person?

Sometimes you have to do things in a certain order to complete the process. If you were making a cheeseburger at home, you would first make a patty. Then you would cook it. Once the patty was cooked, you’d get your slice of cheese and put it on top of the burger to let the cheese melt. Then you’d get your bun out, put the burger on the bun and get the condiments and put them on top.

You wouldn’t put catsup on the raw meat, and then fry it up with the lettuce, cheese and bun thrown in the skillet. That wouldn’t make any sense, right?

Sometimes we want to skip stepping stones in the process. We want to go from being a corrections officer to a published author, coach and international speaker within a week. We all know you can’t do that.

You have to go through the process, learn new skills, try new things and even fail at new things. The more you try, the better prepared you are for later when it all finally comes together.

Getting there is the fun part, even though it may feel like some of the most unnoticed, non-paying, “Why am I doing this for?” kind of work that you’ll ever do in your life.

Later you’ll realize that you can’t rush the process. When you look at people’s careers, they didn’t know that they would end up where they did. But past experiences built on each other and the foundations were in place so when opportunities came their way they were ready for them.

Action for the day: Do something that gets you closer to dream today. Anything. And don’t forget, you can’t rush the process but you can take steps everyday to get you closer to your goal.

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