Happy – The Movie
I watched a documentary called Happy the other day. The filmmaker interviewed people from all over the world who consider themselves happy-people. Believe it or not, the US and Japan have some of the unhappiest people in the world and we are considered two of the richest countries per-capita.
So what makes a person happy? Well, there are many things, but a few of the biggest points that I took away were: People who have close family and friends are generally happier than people who don’t. I think most of us could agree on that.
The second take-away for me was: People who do things for intrinsic value vs. extrinsic value are way more happy.
Just in case you need it, “Intrinsic motivation is when you want to do something. Extrinsic motivation is when somebody else tries to make you do something.”
So I decided to write this little blurb today, even if no one reads it, because of its intrinsic value to me. Just knowing that I may have passed on something to someone that might make them happy makes me happy. (And because it was a really good documentary. Watch it.)