It’s Earth Day
Senator Gaylord Nelson organized an “Environmental Teach-in,” the week of April 16 through April 22, 1970. (I’ll forgo any Gaylord jokes.) Earth Week focused on environmental teachings that climaxed on April 22, 1970—which became known as Earth Day.
Today, Earth Day is more than just some event created by a Gaylord. (I couldn’t resist.) It’s about taking notice of what we are doing to the Earth. I’ve heard that American-Indians used to plan their actions toward the Earth, mainly hunting and fishing, for ten generations. These days’ corporations don’t even plan what they’re doing to the environment for the next ten years. It’s been Environmental Activists that have been bringing what corporations are doing to the environment to the forefront of public awareness. With the invention of the Internet, activists are getting more organized every year.
But even with all the strides that we are taking to save our environment, there is a bigger culprit than all the polluters combined. This polluter is so big that it’s taken over an entire continent and we have to do something to stop it. Who is this polluter who’s messing up our Earth at a speed that would take ten Earth Years, not Earth Days, to fix? It’s the volcano in Iceland. If you haven’t seen the eruption yet, here’s the video:
I think we need to start a “Stop the Volcano in Iceland from Polluting our Earth,” Group on Facebook. All the hard work that generations of environmentalist have been doing for the years, Eyjafjallajokull has destroyed that in a few days. Besides, if you’re going to be the World’s biggest polluter, you need to have a name that’s not impossible to pronounce. So I’m going to start another new Facebook group today. It’s going to be called the “Rename Eyjafjallajokull Volcano to something the rest of the World can pronounce,” Group.
Remember, Earth Day is about changing the World for the better. Yes I understand we can’t stop a volcano from blocking out the sun and stopping air traffic and possibly killing crops in dozens of countries around it. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t throw your recyclables in a recycling can or use a refillable container instead of drinking bottled water. And yes, it may feel like you’re just pissing in the ocean when Eyjafjallajokull is dumping so much pollution into the atmosphere. But just imagine if everyone in the World was pissing in the Ocean at the same time. Oh wait! Please don’t do that either.