Keeping Your New Year’s Resolutions This Year

Posted by dwallace on December 27, 2012 in New Years Resolutions |

Well it’s that time a year again. It’s time to dust off your old resolutions and have another try at them again this year.

Do you want a 78% chance of making your resolutions come true this year? If you’re serious about making your New Year’s Resolutions goals this year, why not put your money where your mouth is? allows you to create a, “commitment contract,” that binds you into achieving a personal goal. Basically it works like this:

1. You pick a goal—lose weight, stop smoking, etc.
2. You then tell all your friends about your goal through email or social networking sites.
3. Then you pick a charity (or anti-charity) and assign a monetary value in case you don’t follow through.

Studies show that we will work harder not to lose $100.00 than we will to gain the same amount. We will work even harder not to lose money to something we hate.

Having said that, some of the choices you can pick for, “anti-charities,” are: Pro-choice or pro-life groups, The NRA or an Anti-gun group, and Republican or Democratic Super-PACs. The minimum you can lose is $5.00 a week, which should be enough to keep you motivated.

I chose weight loss as my goal and ponied up a possible $200.00. If I lose at least one pound a week, I don’t pay anything. But if I don’t lose one pound for that week, $5.00 will be going to one of the Super-PACs.

How do you not cheat? You can assign yourself a, “referee,” to hold you accountable. You can even pick a, “foe,” and if you don’t stick to your goal, the money goes to them.

If you’re serious about making your goals this year, check out (By the way, the extra “k” in stickk is shorthand for contract.) Now get over there and make a commitment to yourself. You’ll thank yourself for it this time next year.


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