Make Art, Not War (365 Daily Project Day 1)

Posted by dwallace on August 31, 2013 in 365 daily project |

I have decided what I want to do for my 365-Day Daily Project.

I’m going to pick writing as my medium. And the topic that I’m picking is going to be based on what is written at the top of my homepage, “Observations on the human experience,” in 500 words or less.

The reason I’m saying 500 words or less is because I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself. When I decide to write a piece for my blog, it might not look like it, but it can often take several hours with editing and what not.

Things may evolve over a year, and I might lift the self-imposed 500 word limit if it advances the essay. But I really want to stick to two double-spaced pages or less.

I also have made the decision that I’m probably not going to post an essay, poem, or blurb every single day. I have several reasons for that:

1. I really don’t like to turn on my computer on the weekends.
2. I don’t want to have to deal with it while I’m out of town.
3. I just don’t want to start flooding my reader’s inboxes every day.

So if I don’t post daily, that doesn’t mean I didn’t do one. I might combine a couple of days together in one, I’m not sure yet. It’s a work in process. Besides, I don’t know how long (or short) each post will be. I’m sure that there will be some days that the “6-word story,” will seem like a good option.

Yesterday was the first day starting this project and I already wrote four new pieces. I also typed up two other poems that I had written down on napkins a couple of weeks ago that I didn’t do anything with.

So now that I’m almost a week ahead of myself, let me give you the best “6-word story” ever written on a part of the human experience that no one would wish on anybody. This story was written by one of the best writers this planet has ever seen. It goes:

For Sale: Baby shoes, never worn.
Ernest Hemingway

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