My Private Used Book Store

Posted by dwallace on August 3, 2015 in Private book store, Uncategorized |

I have recently been accused of being a book hoarder. I have also been accused of not reading all the books I own. There are hundreds on the shelf, so maybe they’re right. Ok, it’s true, both statements. But for the record, I have read more than I haven’t.

Either way I’ve started pulling half-read books off my shelves and am knocking them down like cans on a fence post.

I just finished Life Without a J.O.B. by Barbara Winter tonight. It’s a classic how-to find your bliss book. I have 10 or 12 pages left in The $100 Startup by Chris Gullebeau. He documented 50 entrepreneurs who started their businesses with $100-$1000. Once I finish The $100 Startup, I’m moving on to The Art of Original Thinking by Jan Phillips.

I almost feel like a have a really cool used book store in my house. The shelves are full of essayist, poets and philosophers. There should be enough material to get me to the end of the year. Maybe my New Year’s resolution will be to finally break down and buy a Kindle, then I won’t be able to see all the books I’ve bought but haven’t read yet.


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