New iPhone- “I don’t care.”

Posted by dwallace on July 1, 2010 in iPhone, Uncategorized |

I have and love the iPhone. I’ve never felt that way about any electronic device. I can honestly say that this phone feels like it’s changed my life. I never get lost anymore. I can get my email and check craigslist for that gotta-have-it deal of the day. And best of all, I can check Facebook and upload pictures of my little girl so that “Grammy” and her two out-of-town-aunties can feel like they’re not missing out on her growing up.

When people start to tell me about their new smart-phones, I get an, “I don’t care,” attitude. I don’t say that to them directly, but really, I could care less about your phone and what it does and why it’s better than an iPhone. If it’s not an iPhone I don’t want to hear about it.

Mine and my wife’s AT&T plan is coming to an end in a few months and she keeps talking about switching back to Sprint. I have made it clear to her that I am not going back to Sprint and that I would rather be on my own with AT&T with my iPhone than go back to Sprint with her with some shitty “smart” phone and I don’t care if it’s faster.

In my head, I was not going to be swayed to switch back to Sprint regardless of the persuasion techniques my wife had tried to use. A short list of these techniques consisted of: logic—“They have better phones,” financial reasons—“It’s way cheaper,” and maybe even a little bit sexual deprivation—I didn’t get an excuse there, but it could just be because we’ve been married for six years. Regardless of the tactics, I am a mentally strong person and I have Internet porn, which is what lead me to this little piece of information that made me change my mind.

So babe, you win. We’re going back to Sprint when our contract runs out. Now about that BJ…


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