New Year, New Business (Possibly)
It’s the 11th of January and this is my first
post of the New Year. The reason it’s my first post is because I’m trying to
start a new business. I’ve been interested in starting a business for at least
ten years. That’s about how long it’s taken me to make a decision on what kind
of business to start; and actually this business was kind of thrown in my lap.
I’ve had a job with the courts and law enforcement for the
last 12 years. It’s comfortable, but not what I want to do forever. I had a two
year goal to be doing something else. I started looking into a background check
business. Not seriously looking, but more or less browsing.
Then a week or so ago, a friend who’s a HR manager for a
pretty big company (over 3000 employees) approached me and asked if she could
pick my brain on background checks. They were looking to use a new vendor.
So right now I’m scrambling like I never have before. I’m
setting up a L.L.C. and finding vendor on background checks and drug testing
companies and talking to consultants. Luckily, I have a friend who’s taking me
under his wing. He already owns five successful businesses and has pushed me
more in the last two days than I’ve done in a year on my own.
Things feel like they are moving lightning fast. I got the
green light for a sales meeting yesterday and I feel like I’m jumping in the
deep end right away. But it’s a good problem to have.
I’ll let you know more about the business when I do.