New Year’s Resolutions and End Of the Year Inventory – 2015
Every year around this time I start taking inventory of my life and looking back at what’s happened over the last year. This year was a bumpy ride for me and my family.
I haven’t written about it up until now, but after 10 years of marriage, my wife and I separated at the end of last year and we have lived apart for over a year now. We sold the house we lived in and moved to separate apartments. Our daughter splits her time with both of us 50/50 and I think that we can all agree that the current situation is better for all that’s involved.
Having said that…I’ve started dating again and overall it’s been a great experience. My daughter really likes her and I’m grateful I don’t have to go through the nightmare of them not caring for each other.
I also got a new position at work. I’m now in charge of a team of 8 trainers and am responsible for 800 people’s training. I now know first-hand that it’s not easy being in charge and there are some days I wish I could go back to not being the boss. But most of the times I’m happy to jump in with both feet and stay busy working and teaching classes.
Every year many of us make New Year’s Resolutions. I’ve stopped doing that a few years ago because I know that long-term change for me happens when something hits me randomly and that’s never been on New Year’s Day. Although this year I will still make a goal list. I will probably hang it up next to my desk and it will look something like this:
1. Cultivate relationships with people you want to keep in your life.
2. Be closer to 200 lbs. than 250 lbs. by the end of 2016.
3. Write at least one story, poem or blog post at least once a week.
4. Get a side business going this year, preferably something fun.
5. Be a better guitar/ukulele player by the end of 2016 than you were at the beginning of 2016.
Anything more than that is just wishful thinking for me.
If you’re going to go out this New Year’s Eve, be safe out there. And if you’re going to drink, don’t drive.