NYU Professor Flames Student
I have grand delusions of being a college professor one day. I guess it’s the idea of sitting around, smoking a pipe and discussing deep intellectual thoughts that turns me on. That is until I read this article about a business student at NYU who showed up to her class an hour late. The professor told her that he has an attendance policy that requires students to leave if they are over fifteen minutes late. The student left, but later wrote the professor an email explaining why she disagrees with his policy.
Professor Scott Galloway, NYU Business Professor and founder of RedEnvelope.com, wrote the student a scathing response to her email and told her to, “get your shit together.” Galloway then X’ed out the students name and sent the email to all of his other students, then the email went viral. Want to see it? Here’s the link.
AFTER THOUGHT: As much as I love seeing someone getting a well deserved ass—chewing, what’s ironic about this story is that Professor Galloway stepped down from the board of directors of the NY Times shortly after this email. Not because of the email, but because the company has lost much of it value since he came aboard two years ago.
That’s not to say Galloway is totally to blame for the company going down the toilet, but after I read the article on berating the student I thought, Well good for him. Then I clicked another link within the story about Galloway resigning, read a little further and again thought, Well good for him.