Personal Branding

Posted by dwallace on February 26, 2010 in 2D bar code, Branding, QR code, QR reader |

Do you have your own business website or personal blog? Want to give it a unique touch? Try using a personal bar-code.

What’s that?

It’s just like any bar-code that you would see on the back of magazines, boxes of cereal and whatever else you can think of. But now you can generate your own by typing “QR-Code Generator” into your favorite search engine, follow the instructions, and you’ll end up with something like this:


Then your potential clients can scan it with their smart phone app and it will direct them to your website or blog. You can also use these bar codes on business cards, marketing materials and even on resumes. The bar-code will set you apart (at least for now) and will show customers, or future employers, that you are ahead of the trend and can be considered an early adopter or even a futurist.

For all the apocalyptic readers out there who think this is just another mark of the beast and just one step before the end of time; don’t worry it will all be over before you know what hit you.

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