Pulled Over (Day 5)

Posted by dwallace on September 4, 2013 in 365 daily project, Pulled Over |

I got pulled over this morning. It was about 2:15 am and I was on my way to work an overtime shift at the county jail.

The young cop walked up, shinned his flashlight in my face and said, “License and insurance please.”

I handed it to him and he said, “I pulled you over because you didn’t use your turn signal when you turned from Sulphur Springs onto Manchester,” which was three miles back, so I laughed out loud.

He shinned the flashlight in the car and saw my badge and said, “Who do work for?”

“I work at the county jail and that’s where I’m headed right now,” I said.

He handed back my license and insurance card and said, “Have a good day, brother.”

I wanted to say, “Thanks rookie,” but I didn’t and instead said, “You too,” and took off.

When you work in the field, getting out of petty tickets is part of the perks. But I later thought, he was just fishing for a DWI and for some reason that made me mad. But I guess it’s lucky he didn’t pull me over a few days ago around this time or there would have been a good chance that I went to work on my off day.

It’s just another reason that I’m taking a break from drinking.


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