Rent-a-Book Program

Posted by dwallace on February 3, 2010 in library, Rent-a-book |

I was standing in Borders today looking around and the thought came to me, wouldn’t it be great if there was a place you could go and just “rent” a book you wanted to read then bring it back? Like a Blockbuster for books or something like that?

Why hasn’t anyone thought of this before? I’m tired of spending thousands of dollars on books every year.

I read books on business, marketing, architecture, art, writing, and let’s not forget David Sedaris. I’m addicted to David Sedaris. I own every book he’s written.

The problem is, once I’ve read a book once, I usually don’t pick it up again. So now I have stacks upon stacks of magazines and books piled up in milk crates like The Great Wall of China behind my Lazy-boy.

Why hasn’t the government done anything about this? This is an outrage and I’m going to get to the bottom of this. Why should big bookstores and giant corporate publishing houses make millions off of what should be freely available to the public?

I think I’m going to start a non-profit or something where people can donate books and everyone can read them freely. I mean the ideas are free. The author’s just used their brains and organized the ideas and then put them down on paper; that didn’t cost anything. Why shouldn’t these free ideas be made available to the public for free?

If you’re as outraged as I am, I suggest you write your Congressman and ask them to start a program for free books. Do some research first as you don’t want to look silly by not knowing how to explain to them exactly what kind of program you want them to help you start. The first place I would suggest looking into this idea would be at a place a friend recommended to me. It sounded more like a fruit than a place to do serious research. He called it, “a lie-berry.”

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