Strange Facts

Posted by dwallace on June 22, 2012 in strange facts |

I have been on hiatus from writing on my blog because I have been working with an editor on my memoir about my trip to India. But yesterday I was sitting in a tiny diner having lunch with my with wife and I saw a little black framed sign sitting on our table that said, “Did you know that the can opener was invented 48 years after the invention of the can?”

Me and my wife sat there and pondered, how did they get the cans opened if they didn’t have a can opener? Answer, they used a hammer and chisel.

This got me thinking about all the other useless facts that we take for granted during our daily lives. Here are a few for you to ponder:

1. Do you know how many different animal shapes there are in the Animal Crackers cookie zoo?


2. Have you ever thought about robbing a bank? The average take is lower than you think. On average, 20 banks are robbed a day, with an average of $2500.00 taken.

3. Do you know why paper napkins were invented?

People used to use tablecloths to wipe their hands and faces after they were done eating. John Dickinson used paper napkins at his company’s party in 1887, but the Scott brand didn’t start manufacturing napkins until 1931. Paper napkins didn’t become popular until the 1950’s in the United States.

If you want to find out more strange facts, click here.


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