Super-Top Secret

Posted by dwallace on October 29, 2012 in Super-Top Secret |

Everyone has secrets. There’s a website (and a series of books) called Post Secret accepts submissions from anyone and they usually look something like this:
“I moved to L.A. to be with your brother, not you.”

Or, “I had sex with your sister two days before our wedding. (P.S.-And your mom the day after that.)”

One of the great things about this Post Secret series is that you will almost always feel like your secrets are not that big of a deal.

Another great thing about Post Secret is, if you’re a writer, you can say you’ve been published there and there’s no way to dispute that. (Not that I would do that, I’m just saying that you could.)

So here’s my secret. I’m working on a new website called Here’s another secret, I’m not self-employed yet. But I would like to be by the time that I’m 40, which is why I’m starting the site now.

Basically this site is targeted toward three types of people who I want to work with:

1. The first group I want to work with are people who want to start their own business, but don’t know where to begin.

2. The second group is people who have a business idea, but don’t know where to start.

3. The third group I want to work with are Solo-entrepreneurs who have a business up and running, but they just need a little help growing it.

So although I’m going to use as my personal blog, most of my time will be spent at If you want to start a business, please check out my new site. If not, then I’ll see you here.

And if you want to share any of your dirty little secrets, feel free to put them in the comment box. I have to approve them first, but if they’re good, I will.


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