Taking a Break from Drinking (Day 4)

Posted by dwallace on September 3, 2013 in 365 daily project, Drinking |

A few days ago, I decided that after Labor Day, I was going to take a 30-day break from drinking. I drank heavily for the three days in a row—Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Each day had its own set of fun times and charm. There was lots of money spent that I shouldn’t have. There was arguing with people who I didn’t know, over things I didn’t know about. Headaches that lasted the whole next day that were blended with memories of things that shouldn’t have been said to people’s faces. Lovely times.

After three days of this, my liver told me it’s time to take a break. So did my head and wallet.

I’ve taken significant breaks from drinking many times in my life. But now that I’m 39 years old, I think I’d rather focus on something else more important in my life.

I only can imagine where I would be if I had stuck to my first major break at age 19. I’d probably be more successful than I am now. But then again, I never would have met my wife at that party and wouldn’t have had the courage to pull her into a vacant bedroom; which would also mean I wouldn’t have had my daughter.

I don’t feel regretful for drinking all these years. I just feel that I should be doing something a little more useful now that I’m older.

So tonight if you’re so inclined, please have one for me. And just to keep you entertained, here is a link on how to say “Cheers,” in 40 different languages.

My favorite being, “Okole Maluna!,” or “Bottoms Up,” in Hawaiian.



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