Taking Action

Posted by dwallace on July 13, 2014 in Uncategorized |

I haven’t posted much since I’ve started my new job. In fact, it’s been five months since I’ve been able to sit down and write anything.

A couple of weeks ago I realized that we were halfway through the year and I haven’t accomplished most of my goals that I set for myself at the beginning of the year with my New Year’s Resolution list. After I thought about this, I then wrote a post on Facebook that said, “We are halfway through the year. Make the rest count.”

The same day, I made a list of all the things I wanted to try to accomplish by the end of the year. Most of the things on the list were ideas or projects that I’ve had in my head for years and have never acted on.

The first project I wanted to finish was, a few years ago I wrote a poem about Robert Williams, Big Daddy Roth and Von Dutch. These men are the Godfathers of Hot Rod Culture. My idea was to take images of their art and lay down my poem on a track with their art popping up at different times during the poem as a tribute to them.

I had this idea for three years and finally took the steps this weekend to make it happen. I collected all the images I needed and then met with a video editing company. They should have the final product to me within a week.

This is just one of about ten projects that I want to finish by the end of the year. Others include: to continue to lose weight and eat healthier, learn to write graffiti letters and getting my book published—even if I have to do it myself.

There are several other personal goals like: staying out of debt, working on my relationship with my wife and friends and other art projects.

The bottom line is you can have a million good ideas, but if you don’t follow through, they are no good to anyone. You need to take action or these projects will be just another thing on you New Year’s Resolution list next year.

There is just less than six months until the end of the year. Why not start on your list now?

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