Vice-President Biden Drops the F-Bomb
No, I’m not talking about Fuddrucker’s or Fiddley-sticks. I’m talking about the other F-bomb. The other night, right before Obama’s speech on how he just passed a historic health care reform bill, Joe Biden introduced Obama. Bidden then whispered in Obama’s ear, “This is a fucking big deal.” Obama looked like he just smelled Joe’s fart. Joe must have forgotten that the microphones were on.
It’s even better when the frames are slowed down. You can see Obama frown, he then looks straight down at the two microphones and then shakes his head slightly to regain his composure.
Here’s the link to that and other Presidential Potty Mouths:
So I think it’s high time we address this word, fuck. I was told at a young age that FUCK meant, For Unlawful Carnal Knowledge. Of course I said cardinal knowledge, not carnal, for years. Come to find out, neither are true. It’s an urban myth.
Fuck, as we know it now as a verb, was first used in a poem called Flenn flyys around 1475. The word has been flung around literature ever since. From Shakespeare, who used the euphemism–firk, to J.D Salinger who actually used the word in The Catcher in the Rye and got the book banned many places; fuck is a good word for writers to use when they really want to get their character’s point across.
Apparently fuck has been used several times in politics as well. Lyndon B. Johnson told a Greek Ambassador “Fuck your parliament and your constitution. America is an elephant. Cyprus is a flea. Greece is a flea. If these two fellows continue itching the elephant they may just get whacked by the elephant’s trunk, whacked good.”
Senator John Kerry used the word fuck in a Rolling Stone interview when talking about President Bush. “I voted for what I thought was best for the country. Did I expect Howard Dean to go off to the left and say, ‘I’m against everything’? Sure. Did I expect George Bush to fuck it up as badly as he did? I don’t think anybody did.”
Both Dick Chaney and John McCain have been quoted saying to Senators, “Fuck You.”
President Nixon was notorious for swearing. A personal friend of mine’s dad was cussed out by Nixon in front of a whole room full of reporters. The next day Nixon called my friend’s dad into a private room and apologized. My friend’s dad refused to accept the apology unless Nixon said it in front of all the other reporters from the day before. I think Nixon’s reply was probably something close to, “Fuck you Seghers.”
I know most Americans cuss in some way, shape or form from time to time. If you’ve known me longer than an hour, you know that I swear when the situation warrants it. My favorite cuss word is flying-fuck. Like in, Who gives a flying-fuck if government officials cuss in public? What’s all the hub-bub about?
To me, the hub-bub is about being the Vice-President of the United States and being on International television, in front of hundreds of millions of people worldwide, and acting like a 16 year old kid who just can’t wait to shake his buddy’s hand and say, ”Yeah! Look what we fucking did! We’re so fucking cool! So fuck those fuckin’ mother-fuckin’ Republicans-fucks!”
So yeah Joe, you’re right, “This is big fucking deal.” Do you feel cool now? You should, because your hair looks fan-fucking-tastic!