“You Light Up My Life” Songwriter Found Dead

Posted by dwallace on May 23, 2011 in Uncategorized, You Light Up My Life |

The Associated Press has reported that the Academy Award-winning songwriter of “You Light Up My Life” was found dead of an apparent suicide while awaiting trial on charges of sexually assaulting more than a dozen women and just months after his son was accused of murdering a swimsuit designer.

Joseph Brooks, 73, was discovered Sunday afternoon on his living room couch with a plastic dry-cleaning bag around his head and a towel around his neck, police spokesman Paul Browne said. A hose attached to a helium tank was hooked up to the bag, and the door to Brooks’ Upper East Side apartment was ajar, he said.

The medical examiner will perform an autopsy to determine Brooks’ cause of death. A three-page suicide note included complaints about his health, police said.

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I remember listening to this song a thousand times as a kid. My mom used to play it on a black baby-grand piano that was in our front living room. The song is so ingrained in my mind, that I couldn’t help hearing it in my mom’s voice, as I read the above article.
Here is a link if you would like to read more.

Here’s Debbie Boone signing the original version.

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