How To Make A 365-Day Project: Me Showing My Work

Posted by dwallace on December 3, 2022 in Uncategorized |

Hi. It’s been a long time. Five years and 1 month and a few days actually. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve written anything on this blog.

I’ve kept the site up and running because I knew that I would return to it. I had previously written 263 posts, essays, short stories, poems, and videos here. When I returned to it, the behind the curtains, didn’t even look the same; meaning the format is different. Cleaner.

My life looks totally different today than it did six weeks ago. I’m living in a new condo with my daughter where I have her half the time. My girlfriend and I’s relationship is in a much different place than we were six weeks ago. More distance literally, but closer mentally. I’m now living much closer to my daughter’s school and where she lives with her mom the other half of the time. I’m back to researching and writing about my passions and whims. And overall, I’m in a much more creative space than I’ve been in a while.

Today I was watching a bunch of YouTube videos and I realized that nine years ago, I wrote about an author named Austin Kleon, who wrote a book called Steal Like An Artist (feel free to click the link) and another book called Show Your Work. What Kleon writes about is his journey as an artist and how if you do something every day to get you closer to your dream, by the end of a year, you’ll have a significant amount of work done. He also suggests that you Show Your Work.

So today I thought, I should document all of the YouTube videos that I watch everyday to show how people how I got to where I am in a year from now.

As soon as I typed that, I realized that it should be modified to, I’m going to use this platform to show my my work. Whether that’s posting all the YouTube videos that I watched that day that I thought were useful to me and I think will be useful to someone else, to posting my own writings, this will be my 365-Day Project.

I might as well start Showing My Work, because I’m back to working on myself and my writing. And even though I’m doing it by myself, that doesn’t mean I have to do it alone in vacuum.

I’m going to stop here because I don’t even know if this is going to let me post or not and I’d hate to do all this writing for nothing, just to find out this isn’t even the right place for it. Please enjoy the videos if it does work out on the first try.

ON 2nd THOUGHT…I just went and looked at all the videos that I watched on YouTube today and I’m up to 21 videos. Having said that, I’ll pass on the one’s that I think are leading me toward a better path.

I was looking for video editor and I watched this…and this lead me to the one below it, which has a weird story…

For some reason this Manifesting story was next to this video on the side of YouTube. I click on it and watched a few minutes of it. There was a quote in the comment section that I wanted to copy, so I went to my program and right about Word, was my Video Editor that I’ve had on my laptop the whole time.

I had already spent at least 3 to 5 hours researching video editors.

From here, somehow the manifesting turned into people who manifested their lottery stories: I Manifested 3.2 Million Dollars112 Million Dollar and $112 Million Dollar Interview

Those interviews turned into this one where a early-20’s something drop-shipper vlogger turned $1000 into $8 million and that turned into this guy who stops people on the street in Beverley Hills and asks them what they did to earn their money. That’s when I realized, I needed to stop wasting my time for the day on watching videos and I needed to start creating something.

Hopefully you will find something useful to watch on here. Or maybe you can skip all of that create your own thing for the day.

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