Death Doctors

Posted by dwallace on July 7, 2011 in Death Doctors, Serial Killers |

Dr. Jack Kevorkian died last month on June 3, 2011. He said he assisted in 130 suicides. “Dying is not a crime,” he famously said. At least in Dr. Kevorkian’s case, the patients wanted to die. But if you live in Europe, you may want to reconsider seeing a doctor the next time you’re feeling sick.

Dr. Marcel Petiot was convicted of multiple murders after the discovery of the remains of twenty six people in his home in Paris. He was executed in 1946.

Dr. John Bodkin Adams, a British doctor, was suspected in 160 suspicious deaths of his patients between 1946 and 1956. He was tried and acquitted for one murder, which led to him being found guilty of 13 offenses of prescription fraud, lying on cremation forms, obstructing a police search and failing to keep dangerous drugs registered.

No known Death Doctor was as prolific as Dr. Harold Shipman. Shipman, an English general practioner, was convicted on 15 charges on Jan. 31st, 2000 and sentenced to 15 consecutive life sentences. There was more than enough evidence to prove that Dr. Shipman killed at least 215 people and probably killed 35 more.

Feeling sick now?

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